A British holiday-maker who travelled onboard the doomed Sindbad submarine which sank killing six passengers just three days ago today (thurs) told of her shock at the tragedy.
Kelly Collins, 32, descended 25 metres below the surface in the sub on Monday, March 24.
Now, the ‘shocked’ HGV driver, who was on holiday with her partner, says she’ll never go on a submarine again.
Kelly, from Wigan, Greater Manchester, decided to go on the sub with her partner Sharon, 54, after they saw the experience advertised on social media.
She said: ““I’m shocked, saddened and in disbelief to hear the news about the poor people on the submarine.
“I think this has put me off submarines.”
She told of how she had experienced her trip.
She said:“The trip started with a 30 minute boat ride out to the docking platform where were swapped over from the boat to the submarine.
“The submarine trip was 40 minutes approximately and then a 30 minute boat ride back to the shore.”
Fellow Brit Tom McDowell, 63, travelled on the sub with his daughter Sarah, 29, and her boyfriend Robert, 28, and his grandson Jacob, 12, whilst on a family holiday in Hurghada, Egypt, last year.
His wife, Violet, 69, didn’t go onboard as she thought it would be too “claustrophobic”.
Tom was one of around 40 others who got inside then fully booked 30 metre long sub.
The food manufacturer from Carrickfergus, in Northern Ireland, said he was “nervous” at the thought of getting into the submarine but said he felt at “ease” as the set up was “all very professional”.
He said: “I was shocked when I read the news that it has sunk – my heart goes out to the victims.
“When i was onboard I was surprised with how safety focused the crew were.
“The boat felt sturdy and the staff and the captain we very friendly and professional.”
Tom was staying at the Sindbad Club hotel, the company runs the submarine trips, at the time he went onboard.
Recalling the day he said: “You get onto a boat from the pier on the private beach at the back of the hotel which takes you out to the submarine docking platform”.
“Once there you climb into the submarine through the hatch on top.”
Tom said on board with him was the captain and two staff members who he said were very helpful and friendly.
“I didn’t feel like I was in danger at all whilst I was onboard – everyone felt very safe as it seemed like it was being run properly.”
Around 40 other people where also on the submarine with him at the time.
He said: “It was fully booked but there was plenty of room for everyone it was very spacious.”
According the trip which cost £40 per adult and £20 per child lasted around 30 minutes in total.
Tom said the vessel dropped to 25 metres below the water and passengers are “taken around the reefs” and you are able “to sea the fish”.
He said: “It was a scenic ride, lots to see and gaze whilst onboard
“There was also a diver who swims around the boat and waves at you.
“It was worth the money I spent.”
Tom said since hearing the news he “will not” be stepping foot on a submarine again.
He said: “You don’t even think about something going wrong when it is your turn but accidents happen.”